I’m Francesca,
Freelance translator, fully qualified Hatha yoga instructor, lover of life and all things beautiful
I have Italian parents, but I'm a Londoner through and through as I was born in the West End and lived there until I fell in love with Spain and moved to Madrid in 2001.
I've been working as a freelance medical translator since 2000.
I have quite severe scoliosis (a curve in the spine) and that, coupled with hours of sitting at my desk in front of a computer screen, led to serious back pain, so I started practising Hatha yoga regularly in 2005. I'd taken yoga classes before, in fact I was probably about 5 years old when my mum taught me Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), but it took me years to create a regular practice.
My passion for yoga grew over the years, and I decided that although I had no intention of actually teaching yoga to anyone, I wanted to deepen my knowledge of the subject, so I signed up for teacher training at the Escuela Internacional de Yoga in Madrid, which I completed in 2013 (560 hours of training).
In the second year of training I needed some hands-on practice, so I started teaching yoga as a volunteer at one of Madrid's female penitentiaries, and then added on to this by teaching classes at my local gym.
I've had to stop teaching regularly due to a change in my personal circumstances, but my passion for yoga still burns brightly and I teach the occasional private class, and a group class of "office or chair yoga" at the Mediterranean Editors and Translators annual meeting (METM).