I am acutely aware of how irregular by posts are, but I've decided to stop apologising because otherwise what was a very nice hobby will quickly turn into a stressful obligation. So, you all know how stressful my life is as I am full-time translator, part-time yoga instructor, ¾-time carer for an elderly and disabled parent, full time homemaker, so I'm sure you'll understand why posts are so few and far between and I will no longer make excuses :-)
As I haven't had the chance to record a video, here is an account of what happened yesterday. I went on something called FitnessWalk® yesterday in the Retiro Park, which involved walking, squats, jumping around and basically moving every muscle in your body. I was exhausted by the time I got home and my sore muscles (which were sore from having done my first Ashtanga class in about 10 years two days before) were even sorer. My legs felt like they would drop off, so I did the 90º angle/legs-up-the-wall pose to relax a bit and 30 seconds later had a visitor (Rufus). Lying there feeling the benefits of having my legs up the wall and hearing Rufus purr was the perfect antidote to such a tiring day! Hopefully I'll be able to take some time off over Christmas and post something a bit more profound.