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Writer's pictureFrancesca Matteoda

Chandra Namaskar 3

As promised, here is yet another Moon Salutation. This is the last one that I am aware of, but please let me know if you know a different version. We never stop learning!

I learned this one from a yoga teacher called Yolanda who specialised in Integral Yoga. I have no idea whether this particular moon salutation is typical of Integral Yoga or not though...

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and as usual, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

CONTRAINDICATIONS: You need to have a very healthy spine to do this one, so please do not do this unsupervised if you have any kind of back or neck problem whatsoever. As this sequence includes sarvangasana (shoulder stand), it is also contraindicated if you have uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure), thyroid problems or glaucoma. If you would like to try it despite having some of these problems, then please contact me and I'll tell you how you can adapt it to your particular case.


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Francesca Matteoda
Francesca Matteoda
Jun 09, 2020

Hi Kirsty :-) If you check out the previous 2 posts on Moon Salutations (the actual text, not the videos), then you'll get a little more info about when to do these. Basically, they are best done in the evenings, as they have a soothing effect on the central nervous system, but you need to be careful when practicing the more energetic versions as they can boost your energy if you do them too quickly. Do all of them at a slow pace in the late afternoon/early evening for best effects. A few years back I was holidaying in a little village in the middle of nowhere and went for a walk late at night. There was a full moon,…


Kirsty Morgan
Kirsty Morgan
Jun 09, 2020

I love moon-related poses. Is there a particular time that is good to do this? Full moon for example?

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