Hi folks ❤️
Have you missed me? I know I've certainly missed you, and the chance to upload my videos and share some of that yoga love with you all.
If you've been following me since the beginning, you'll already know why this blog/vlog has been dormant for so long; if you've joined recently, then I invite you to scroll back through the posts and you'll find out everything 😉
I have no video to upload today as the cheap phone stand I'd bought has broken (as they say in Spanish, what's cheap is actually expensive [in that it doesn't last long and you have to buy another one]) so as it's my birthday on the 1st of March I'm hoping a kind soul will buy me a proper tripod 😁. If not, I'll get one myself later this week, promise. If I recall correctly, you're expecting a video showing sarvangasana (shoulder stand) as I posted a few preparatory ones before suddenly going all quiet on you. So as soon as I get a tripod, I'll be posting that (unless you have any specific requests, which of course you can send me via the contact form). Keep calm and Namaste for now 🕉
Frankie x