It's almost a year since I started this blog and so much has happened since!
If you've been following me since the beginning, you'll know that this is as much a diary as it is a blog about yoga, the pandemic and life in general, so instead of posting a yoga video this week I felt the urge to update you on the latest events in my life.
A year ago yesterday I was in London attending a translation conference. I also had the chance to see a lot my friends and meet up with my half-brother, who actually lives in Paris but happened to be in London at the same time. What a happy coincidence, as I haven't seen him since. I returned to Spain on a Wednesday evening and lockdown started on the Saturday.
As I'm a positive sort of person, I tend to see the glass half full, but this past year has made that philosophy very difficult to implement at times! So let's start with the positive points (I'm sure I've mentioned some of these before, so apologies for repetitions!).
1) I started this blog
2) I went on a diet and lost 12 kg.
3) I managed to keep the weight off, exercising more regularly and changing the way I eat
4) I learnt to appreciate nature and the great outdoors even more than before
5) I joined a Portuguese book club
6) I started a Portuguese language exchange via Zoom
7) I started going out for very long walks in the beautiful Casa de Campo with some of my neighbours - this is fantastic! Not only do I get plenty of exercise out in the open, but I also get the chance to meet up with others and talk about different subjects!
8) I've started teaching yoga again (to said group of neighbours, in the park opposite where we live).
9) I'm doing an 8-week mindfulness course. This is something I have been wanting to do for years, so it's an achievement! I have another two weeks to go.
So for the negative points... probably best not to indulge in those. What's the point anyway? Life under lockdown, or semi lockdown, is difficult. I don't need to tell you that, because wherever you are based, you will have experienced the same as me, to a greater or lesser extent. 24/7 cohabitation is difficult, but then people who live alone would probably be happy to swap with me! The thing I miss the most is international travel though, as my family is in Italy and in France and I haven't seen any of them in ages. Still, there will come a time - hopefully not too far off - when I'll be able to travel and see them again.
Yoga has helped with all of this. The intensity of physical asanas helped me concentrate on my body and release stress, and focusing the mind on my breathing, or meditating, has helped me to be more centred. I hope that yoga has helped you too :-)
Here are a few pictures from my recent walks in the park and the latest yoga class. I feel great joy when I am surrounded by nature and hope that these pics will bring you some pleasure.
"See" you next week.